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Become a Consultant

Full Name *
Business Name *
Phone *
Email *
Which of the following services does your business offer?
Business Plan/Strategy (vision, mission, planning)
Establishing Business Structure (DBA, LLC, etc.)
Real Estate (finding business location, moving, zoning)
Financial Operations & Management (financial systems, bookkeeping, budgeting, projections, turnover, cash flow)
Access to Capital (equity and debt financing)
Business Insurance
Legal (reorganizing, drafting contracts, certifications, regulatory compliance)
Branding (Name, Logo, Tagline, Colors, Fonts, Photography, Videography)
Marketing/Communications (website, social media, visibility)
Product or Service Development (new or better products and/or services, consumer and market research)
Sales (merchandising, pricing, margins, online sales)
Operations (production methods, administration, waste, downtime, inventory)
Workforce Development (hiring, training, human resources, benefits)
Identify and Expanding Markets
Leadership Development
Additional Comments

ATTACH YOUR Letter of Interest HERE...

Fill out this form and send us your letter of interest and a sample of services taht you currently offer that could be beneficial for Lewis County entrepreneurs and small business owners to be considered as a DBA Lewis County Consultant.

Letter of Interest and Sample of Services
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