Lewis County has 27,235 milking cows, approximately 190 dairy farms, and is ranked #6 in New York State in milk production. Take a drive down a back-country road any day of the year and you will find thousands of acres of farm land, herds of cattle, and hardworking farm families. Lewis County breathes dairy farming; and having hundreds of milk suppliers right in our backyard is an asset to Lewis County.
The dairy industry is situated right in Lewis County, NY; and we don't just mean the farms. When it comes to agricultural support, Lewis County has an advantage over most agricultural areas in the nation. Equipment dealerships, mechanics, feed dealers, milk haulers, manure haulers, field and crop specialists, veterinarian services, fertilizers, seed dealers, and many other agricultural businesses are also located right in Lewis County, NY. For every $1 in milk sales, another $2.29 is generated through supporting businesses. With an industry that is supported within a 30-mile radius, that makes for a unique, one-of-a-kind location for any agriculture, or support agricultural business.