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Lewis County Industrial Development Agency

Lewis County Industrial Development Agency

Lewis County, NY

The Lewis County Industrial Development Agency has been in operation since 1973. The LCIDA is a state authorized public benefit corporation that has the ability to provide certain New York State sanctioned tax benefit programs. 

Our Mission

The mission of the County of Lewis IDA is to stabilize, strengthen, and grow communities through strategic community partnerships, innovative incentive programs, responsible leverage of our financial resources, and thoughtful policy development to advance economic growth and ensure a brighter and more inclusive future for all.

Board Members

& Committees

Joe Lawrence

IDA Board Chair
Dairy Forage Systems Specialist, Cornell University

Gagan Singh

IDA Board Vice Chair
Financial Advisor, Northwestern Mutual

Jessica Moser

Lewis County Representative
Attorney, Young Law Firm

Herb Frost

Owner, ArborCare

Gerald Haenlin

National Grid

McKenzie Lehman

Junior Civil Engineer, BCA Architects & Engineers

Darlene Rowsam

Account Manager, ParentSquare

Candace Randall

IDA Attorney
Campany, McArdle & Randall, PLLC
LCIDA Audit Committee

Joe Lawrence

LCIDA Governance Committee

Herb Frost (Chair)

Darlene Rowsam

LCIDA Finance Committee

McKenzie Lehman

Gagan Singh

LCIDA Loan/Grant Committee

Gagan Singh, LCIDA Board Member (Chair)

Gerald Hanlin, National Grid

Kevin Kent, Community Bank 

Emily Philippe, North Country CPAs

Shellie Marks, Qubica AMF

LCIDA Projects Committee

Darlene Rowsam (Chair)

Board Meetings

Held Monthly

Lewis County Industrial Development Agency Board Meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at 8:15AM at the Lewis County JCC Education Center (7395 East Road, Lowville, NY).

2024 Meeting Dates

January 4 | February 1 | April 4 | May 2 | July 11 | August 1 | September 5 | October 3 | November 7 | December 5

2025 Meeting Dates

January 2 | February 6 | March 6 | April 3 | May 1 | June 5 |  July 3 | August 7 | September 4 | October 2 | November 6 | December 4

Public Documents

of the Lewis County Industrial Development Agency