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2022 Annual Ag District 30-Day Inclusion Period

November 15, 2022

Press Release

For Immediate Release: November 10, 2022

For more information contact:

Casandra Buell, Director of Planning

Lewis County Planning Department

7660 North State Street; Room 324

Lowville, NY 13367

Phone: (315) 376-5919



Effective September 17, 2003, Agriculture and Markets Law (AML) 303-b was enacted to provide for the designation of an annual 30-day period during which landowners may submit requests for inclusion of predominantly viable agricultural land within an existing certified Agricultural District.

The Lewis County Board of Legislators has designated their 30-day annual review period beginning November 15, 2022 through December 15, 2022. During this period, landowners may submit written requests for inclusion into the Agricultural District. Parcels requesting inclusion must meet the definition of “viable agricultural land” as defined in Agriculture and Markets Law § 301, subdivision 7. Lands already included in the district need not submit a request. Parcel owners must complete the Agricultural District Inclusion Worksheet, which must include a written description of the land, the tax map identification number, and be accompanied by a copy of the relevant portion of a tax map depicting the location of the property you would like included into the Agricultural District. This form can be found on the County website at: or by contacting Casandra Buell, Director of Planning at (315) 376-5919. Please submit all inclusion requests to the Lewis County Planning Department, Lewis County Court House, 7660 North State Street, 3rd Floor Room 324, Lowville, NY 13367 on or before 4:30 PM Thursday, December 15, 2022.
