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How to: Register for Events & Get Member Rates

July 19, 2023

Hi, friends! This is Kaylee, the Economic & Tourism Development Specialist with Naturally Lewis. We're hosting some ~pretty cool~ member events, so it's a good idea for us to connect to be sure you're getting the perks out of your membership! Here is a step-by-step guide to register for an event while accessing member rates:

1. Visit Find the "Membership" menu item.Step_1.png

As you can see on the image above, you will see some sub-menu items, specifically one that says "Member Login."

2. Click "Member Login."Step 2

Here, you will be prompted to enter your member login informaiton (you made this when you submitted your membership)! If you do not remember your username or password, that's okay! Simply click one of the "forgot" options below the login section, or send us a message!

3. Login & Enjoy!

From here, find the "Events' menu item in the main menu, and register for your desired event! If you have any questions or need any assistance, we're here for you!

Thanks for going on this journey of member logins with me! I hope this was a helpful resource, and really hope to see you at all of (I'd even settle for some of!) our events! Chat later!!

- Kaylee, a new friend