Lewis County Off-Highway Vehicle Economic Impact Study
LEWIS COUNTY - Lewis County has contracted with the Center for Community Studies at Jefferson Community College (JCC) and Camoin 310 to undertake an economic impact study of Off-Highway Vehicles in Lewis County. JCC students will soon be at high-traffic locations throughout the Lewis County interviewing OHV riders on a variety of aspects of the popular sport. There is also an opportunity for riders to take the survey online starting Friday, October 1 at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LEWIS_OHV_2021.
By quantifying the significance of OHV activity, Lewis County will be better able to communicate the impacts of the sport on the local economy to local residents, landowners, local governments and New York State. Long term, Lewis Coutny hopes to help make our Trail System an even more appealing destination to help bolster local spending and growth of existing and new businesses.
Lewis County is known for it's County OHV Trail & Permit System, which is the first of its kind in New York State. The Trail system access includes dirt bikes, ATV’s and side-by-sides up to 2000 lbs. The County implemented the permit system as a means of paying for the cost of establishing and maintaining the Trail System, which included County reforestation lands, and private land-owner trails. Permit money is also used for expansion of the Trail System. The development and maintenance of this system, however, is not without cost. A permit system is the most appropriate mechanism to ensure that those who benefit the most from the Trail System pay for the cost to operate it. Learn more about the Lewis County Trail System from the Lewis County Department of Recreation Forestry and Parks.
Individuals who fill out the survey will be entered into a drawing to win a Family 4 Pack of Trail Permits for the 2022 Season!