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Village of Lowville Announces Bid for Round 5 Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) Funding

August 11, 2021

IMG 0610The Village of Lowville is excited to announce that it will be preparing an application for the 2021 New York State Downtown Revitalization Initiative competition.

From the Five Streets Project to fountain restoration, Lowville’s $35 million in infrastructure and streetscape investments over the past few years have paved the way for future public and private development. This Round 5 DRI application will build on the momentum from the 2019 submission to highlight the Village’s historic downtown district, with partnerships emphasizing placemaking and complete streets, affordable housing, community health and fitness, outdoor recreation, and marketing local products.

“I believe Lowville’s application will once again stand out in our region.” said Mayor Joseph G. Beagle. “Our downtown has incredible historic character and is unique due to its proximity to our manufacturing core. Kraft-Heinz, Qubica AMF, and Neenah Paper collectively employ over 1,000 people within walking distance of downtown.”

County Manager Ryan Piche said, “The vision and momentum behind Lowville’s Round 4 application spurred many downtown businesses to make vital investments. Building off of this energy, we foresee a new round of innovative, shovel ready projects coming to light that will surely catapult Lowville’s value to our region.”

Lowville’s application will once again highlight the outdoor recreational opportunities unique to Lewis County, with an emphasis on linking downtown to the greater trail systems throughout the County.

IMG 0611“Our trails, waterfalls, kayaking, hunting, and other outdoor activities attract thousands of visitors every year. By connecting these experiences to a lively downtown, we will be able to develop our small businesses, cultivate interest, and stimulate our tourism industry.” said Richard Chartrand, County Legislator, Lowville.

The Village is planning to hold a public information session at the August 27th Food Truck Friday event held at the Lewis County Fairgrounds. From 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM, the community is encouraged to stop by the pavilion for a chance to review and discuss the Round 5 DRI Application and learn more about its potential impact to the region.

Public input is welcome! If you have ideas, projects, offer support, or would simply like to participate in the application process, please email us at Looking to check in on the excitement? Naturally Lewis has put together a one-stop-shop webpage to keep the community updated with project submissions, application details and public outreach events. Join the excitement here:

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