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State of the Region: North Country 2021 Annual Report

August 03, 2021

The past year has provided us a new opportunity to drive investment to the North Country and more fully realize our strategic goals.

This report is about opportunity. It’s about propelling us forward with a reinvigorated momentum that properly positions the North Country for the future. Here’s how:

  • When the Canadian border fully re-opens, we stand ready to welcome the cross-border tourism infusion the region has missed for over a year, and are ready to roll out the red carpet for the new opportunities from foreign direct investment, onshoring and industry expansion that will follow.
  • As the world adapts to a more remote workforce, we will attract them here with the continued expansion of the necessary infrastructure, innovative industries, quality housing options, and the welcome environment that they seek.
  • Last year saw many new travelers from the Northeast discover the North Country. We now have a chance to make them regular visitors. Our downtowns, attractions, and landscape position us to take advantage of this rediscovery. Moving forward we will continue to expand and upgrade our facilities, attracting private investment to enhance our communities and build better destinations.
  • As businesses fully return and world markets open, we must ensure that a ready skilled workforce greets them. We will continue to pursue training programs, starting at the K-12 level, to ensure our residents are positioned for good jobs in our future.
  • Most importantly, we’ll do it in a way that maintains the genuine character of our region by supporting homegrown businesses and provides a welcoming experience for diverse new residents and businesses that makes our sense of place, their love of place.

The past year validated our strategies and firmed up opportunities that we fully embrace. It’s an effort that we welcome. We look forward to a partnership with, and the support of, New York State and the profoundly transformational qualities of the Regional Council and CFA programs, the Downtown Revitalization Initiative and other state programs that position us for private investment.

It’s that sense of teamwork, passion and community focused drive that we’ll use to guide our priorities into the next year of opportunity.

State of the Region: North Country 2021 Annual Report