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Naturally Lewis

championing growth

At Naturally Lewis, we're championing the growth of a community where people want to live, work, build business, and play. We are a nonprofit economic development organization rooted in rural; we are real community members making a real effort to grow our community into the one we all want to be a part of.



"Lewis County is a great place to start a business. It's very small business-friendly, there's help around every corner. We collaborate with a lot of other businesses locally, and it's just a great community where everyone is willing to help out instead of compete."

- Herb Frost, Arborcare

work-life balance

"It's very easy for me to work here in Lewis County from my home because I have such powerful WiFi. One of the benefits of working from home here is that once I'm finished with my job, I can log off and instantly be on my bike, biking these beautiful roads"

- Calvin Campany, Northern Credit Union

it's beautiful

"Before I had the opportunity to leave Lewis County I really took it for granted - how beautiful it is, that we can sustain off of the land, and we have so many local artisans... it's beautiful."

- Heather Hurd, Kelpytown Kove

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