Naturally Lewis Launches Three Grant Programs with $150,000 in Funds
CONTACT: Kaylee Tabolt
Economic Development Specialist
Naturally Lewis
P: 315.376.3014 E:
Naturally Lewis Launches Three Grant Programs with $150,000 in Funds
Lewis County, NY – Naturally Lewis is announcing three new grant funds, totaling in $150,000, through its Community Economic Development Fund. These grant funds are: (1) Small Things, Big Impacts Fund, (2) Community Connections Fund, and (3) Building Business Fund. The Community Economic Development Fund has been established from a host-community agreement between the Lewis County Development Corporation and Number Three Wind Farm.
The Small Things, Big Impacts Fund ($20,000) will support smaller-scale projects, up to $1,000 awards, that will make a big impact. The 2023 priority for this fund is visibility, including, but not limited to, signage, branding, packaging, murals/artwork, and mobile visibility. Applications for the Small Things, Big Impacts Fund will open on July 17th and close on August 18th at 3:00PM.
The Community Connections Fund ($30,000) will support municipalities, schools, and community organizations in projects that will enhance the quality of life for the benefit of the greater community. Applications for the Community Connections Fund will open on July 17th and close on September 1st at 3:00PM.
The Building Business Fund ($100,000) will support local businesses providing matching funds to invest in “tools” to scale up and grow with $10,000+ awards. Funds can be used for literal tools (equipment/machinery) or figurative tools (business services/professional services) to assist business growth. Projects must show overall benefit to the community and promote economic development through business growth. Applications for the Building Business Fund will open on September 5th and close on October 13th at 3:00PM.
Applications for all programs will be reviewed by the Community Economic Development Fund Committee. This committee consists of six (6) community leaders and one (1) Lewis County Development Corporation board member.
Find more information about the Community Economic Development Fund and each of the grant opportunities at, or by following Naturally Lewis on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn at @naturallylewis.